Livestream link for tonight's Valley vs. Waverly VHS Football Game:
about 20 hours ago, Valley Local
Please read this statement regarding "School Threats at Valley and other local district"
3 days ago, Valley Local
The Valley Band Boosters are having a fundraiser at the Lucasville Wendy's, and we need your support. Here's the best part. All you have to do is eat at Wendy's. Drop by, in the dining room or in the drive-through, and enjoy some good food with us. On the day of your event, Wendy's will donate 20% of all pre-taxed food sales (less promotional discounts) from any guest that presents this fundraising ticket. (Present this ticket to your cashier on the date listed below)
4 days ago, Valley Local
Valley Local School District is accepting applications for substitute workers in the following areas: custodial, food service, paraprofessionals, secretarial at $11.00/hr. and bus drivers at $14/hr. FBI and BCI clearance is required for all positions. Other requirements apply depending upon the position. Application is attached or can be picked up at the Administrative Office located at 1821 State Route 728, Lucasville, OH 45648.
10 days ago, Lisa Buckle
Non-Cert App
Non-Cert App
Non-Cert App
Job Posting 1:1 aide - please see attached
10 days ago, Lisa Buckle
Job Posting
VHS Volleyball Pee Wee Night - Valley vs West - Any Pee Wee volleyball player who wear their volleyball shirt will get in FREE! - TUESDAY OCTOBER 8, 2024, JV starts at 5:30 PM
10 days ago, Lisa Buckle
PEE WEE Volleyball
Supplemental Job Opening for HS Softball Coach. Please see attached
16 days ago, Lisa Buckle
Information concerning Latchkey:
18 days ago, Valley Local
30 days ago, Lisa Buckle
OPENING TO 1ST AND 2ND GRADE - VALLEY VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE - Non-instructional league Grades 3rd-6th (Each grade level will have their own league) League Season - Sunday August 25th through Sunday September 29th (NO GAMES Labor Day Weekend) Games will be held at Valley High School and will begin at 9 am~ Signups August 13th during Meet the Team/Carnival Deadline for signups will be August 13th. Entry Fee: $40 Per Player - Make checks payable to : VHS Boosters (Example - a team of 8 will pay $320 as a one-time fee) Each team will need o provide their own shirts (for an add'l $12 we can have shirts made). Each player will have to sign a waiver form. Contact Information: Tracey Vice - 740-464-4836 or Kristi Hall - 740-970-2055
about 1 month ago, Lisa Buckle
REMINDER TO ATTEND OPEN HOUSE TO MEET YMCA STAFF. LATCHKEY CHANGES - COMING SOON Please welcome the Pike Co YMCA who will be providing latchkey services at Valley Elementary. They will be at open house to guide and answer any questions. A NOTE FROM PIKE CO YMCA Dear Parent/Guardian, On behalf of the YMCA of Pike County, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome both you and your child(ren) to the YMCA of Pike County School Age Care (SAC) Program. The YMCA of Pike County is very excited to be able to offer a fun-filled and enriching program for your child. We are dedicated to building strong character in the youth we serve. Our programs are centered on the YMCA's four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility. The YMCA of Pike County SAC Program has been structured to be as flexible as possible to meet your family's needs. This booklet has been prepared for your convenience to inform you of our policies and procedures. Please refer to this booklet if you have any additional questions regarding our SAC program or other YMCA programs please feel free to contact me at 7 40-947-8862. Building strong kids, strong families, and strong communities has always been and remains a major goal for the YMCA. Once again, we would like to welcome you and your child(ren) to the YMCA of Pike County, and we thank you for your support and cooperation. Thank you, Linsy Carson Child Care Director (7 40) 947-8862
about 1 month ago, Lisa Buckle
Nurse Alexa will be at Valley Middle School during Open House for any parents wanting to drop off 7th and 12th grade vaccine documents. Don't forget the Vaccine Clinic will be open from 5-7:30pm at Valley Middle School for any incoming 7th or 12th grader! Forms will be available for pick-up related to medication administration and emergency care plans (asthma, food allergies, insect/environmental allergies, seizures, etc) if this applies to your child in 5th-12th grade. Please email Nurse Alexa at if you would like to set up a meeting. Thank you!
about 1 month ago, Valley Local
LATCHKEY CHANGES - COMING SOON Please welcome the Pike Co YMCA who will be providing latchkey services at Valley Elementary. They will be at open house to guide and answer any questions. A NOTE FROM PIKE CO YMCA Dear Parent/Guardian, On behalf of the YMCA of Pike County, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome both you and your child(ren) to the YMCA of Pike County School Age Care (SAC) Program. The YMCA of Pike County is very excited to be able to offer a fun-filled and enriching program for your child. We are dedicated to building strong character in the youth we serve. Our programs are centered on the YMCA's four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility. The YMCA of Pike County SAC Program has been structured to be as flexible as possible to meet your family's needs. This booklet has been prepared for your convenience to inform you of our policies and procedures. Please refer to this booklet if you have any additional questions regarding our SAC program or other YMCA programs please feel free to contact me at 7 40-947-8862. Building strong kids, strong families, and strong communities has always been and remains a major goal for the YMCA. Once again, we would like to welcome you and your child(ren) to the YMCA of Pike County, and we thank you for your support and cooperation. Thank you, Linsy Carson Child Care Director (7 40) 947-8862
about 1 month ago, Lisa Buckle
VALLEY VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE - Non-instructional league Grades 3rd-6th (Each grade level will have their own league) League Season - Sunday August 25th through Sunday September 29th (NO GAMES Labor Day Weekend) Games will be held at Valley High School and will begin at 9 am~ Signups August 13th during Meet the Team/Carnival Deadline for signups will be August 13th. Entry Fee: $40 Per Player - Make checks payable to : VHS Boosters (Example - a team of 8 will pay $320 as a one-time fee) Each team will need o provide their own shirts (for an add'l $12 we can have shirts made). Each player will have to sign a waiver form. Contact Information: Tracey Vice - 740-464-4836 or Kristi Hall - 740-970-2055
about 1 month ago, Lisa Buckle
2024 Volleyball League
Job Posting: Educational 1 : 1 Aide / Library Aide
about 2 months ago, Gail Rowe
Educational 1 : 1 Aide / Library Aide
Valley Indians! School starts in a few short weeks and it's time to make sure your forms are updated on FinalForms. Please login to your FinalForms account to double check your information. Make sure to sign every page! Contact Gail Rowe with any questions at
about 2 months ago, Gail Rowe
Valley Open House will be Tuesday, August the 13th and the time will be 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Also, Fall Sports Meet the Team will be at 7:30pm
about 2 months ago, Valley Local
Any high school boy or girl interested in playing golf should contact Andrea Stuart at
about 2 months ago, Gail Rowe
VHS Golf
Any student athlete participating in Middle or High School Sports for 2024-2025 - Physicals need completed and turned in by August 1, 2024. Every athlete and parent MUST log in to Final Forms and sign. The physical form is on Final Forms or at
about 2 months ago, Lisa Buckle
Job Posting - 7th Grade ELA Position - See Attached
3 months ago, Gail Rowe
7th  Grade ELA Position